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RealPlayer FAQ
What we can do as far as the RealPlayer program is limited. There is online
support for RealPlayer at the RealNetworks
site. But here are some common problems and answers that "should" work.
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How do I get the RealPlayer
plugin to show up in my browser?
If you know that you've downloaded RealPlayer 5.0 or G2, and you only get an empty box
where the player controls should be, try uninstalling and reinstalling the RealPlayer
program. Let the installation program do everything it wants by default. If
you choose a custom installation, we can't guarantee that all the files and registry
entries will be entered correctly. If you're not sure you have version 5.0 or G2,
click here to go to the RealNetworks site and download
the FREE version of RealPlayer. Then install it with defaults.
Netscape crashes when leaving a
page with the plugin
We've found that if you disable Java in your Netscape preferences, you'll have a more
stable environment. In Netscape, go to Edit, Preferences. Then click
"Advanced" and uncheck "Enable Java." Shut down Netscape and
then retry.
How do I keep AOL from locking up?
We know that AOL is wonderful for surfing the web! But we also know that the browser
can be temperamental. But great news! There is a simple workaround! While
you are connected to AOL, you can use any browser! We support fully
both Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4 and higher and Netscape Navigator version 4 and
higher. All you need to do to make sure you have a great experience listening to our
library, is minimize your AOL program, launch MSIE or Netscape, login to us as usual, then
choose a title and off you go!
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